For over a year, handprint architecture has been collaboratively working with the Brothers of St. Dominic’s in hopes to design a new facility for their Priory and Novitiate. The new priory, essentially the house for the Brothers, will be a welcoming physical manifestation of the Dominican Mission in Denver. The project includes living, dining and sleeping for both fully professed Brothers (Priory) and Novices in their first year of formation (Novitiate). Additionally, the project will include community spaces such as a library, laundry and storage.


The four pillars of Dominican Life - preaching, prayer, study, and common life - drive the design of the project. Additionally, the intersection of passive design, net zero energy and a connection to nature has been at the forefront of the design process. With these considerations, five design principles were formed to define the desired outcomes for the new priory. These include an integrated Priory community, a foundation for observance & contemplative life, a beautiful, solid, quiet & luminous space, to preserve tradition while maintaining current relevance, and to fuel the neighborhood’s vitality. Handprint is currently in the process of finalizing the scope to align with the Province's budget, and design is scheduled to begin late 2016.

